Japanese tapestry in hemp, hand painted, KOINOBORI

Reference 11-KAK-RJT-012ZZZ
Tax included

Japanese tapestry in hemp, hand painted, KOINOBORI, made in Japan

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Technical sheet​

height 150 cm
width 30 cm
Product origin Made in Japan
Compositions Hemp


Japanese tapestry in hemp, hand painted, KOINOBORI, made in Japan

Body Material: 100% hemp
Stick: pine

* The product image matches the color of the actual product as much as possible, but the actual color may vary slightly depending on the environment of the display monitor. In addition, due to the hand-made product one by one, the color of the dye may differ slightly from the photo due to temperature and humidity.
* The fabric used for the product is a natural hemp-ponged hemp fabric. Therefore, the width of the fabric may be slightly uneven or the fabric may contain dark lines. We hope you can buy it after understanding it as a tasteful texture of natural materials.

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