240 Boxed Incense Sticks, YUME NO YUME, Cherry Blossoms

Reference 5-ENC-26803
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240 Boxed Incense Sticks, YUME NO YUME, Cherry Blossoms

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Technical sheet​

Product origin Made in Japan
Number of sticks 240
Length of the sticks 14 cm


Yume No Yume Cherry Blossom, incense that emits little smoke
No one can remain indifferent to the beauty of the cherry blossom, sakura in Japanese. Its fresh floral scent comforts us and helps create a relaxed atmosphere. In the Kobin Wakashu, an unknown poet gives us this advice: “The cherry trees will bloom again in the spring. But you have to take care of yourself to be able to see them. »

Yume no Yume incense – literally dream of dreams – combines poetry and fragrances. They evoke texts from the Kokin Wakashu, Anthology of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry. This compilation of waka poems was published in the 10th century, around 100 years before the famous Tale of Genji.

The format of the large boxes is ideal if you are a heavy incense consumer. It is also an original idea to make a scented gift. The number of sticks is given as an indication and may vary depending on the production batch.

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