50 Incense sticks in roll, EIJU, Sandalwood Special

Reference 5-ENC-98408
Tax included

50 Incense sticks in roll, EIJU, Sandalwood Special, made in Japan

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Technical sheet​

Product origin Made in Japan
Fragrance sandalwood
Number of sticks 50
Length of the sticks 14 cm


50 Incense sticks in roll, EIJU, Sandalwood Special, made in Japan

KOH Incense, The Perfume of the Soul.

Kodo is the Japanese art of appreciating perfumes. It is one of the three traditional arts with the tea ceremony and ikebana. During a kodo ceremony, the participants "listen" to the fragrances exhaled by scented woods burnt according to rules codified at the end of the 14th century.

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