Green furin wind bell in cast iron bamboo from Japan, AZUMAYA, 10.5 x 10.5cm

Reference 11-CLO-2910
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Green furin wind bell in cast iron bamboo from Japan, AZUMAYA, 10.5 x 10.5cm

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Technical sheet​

height 30 cm
width 10.5 cm
length 10.5 cm
Packing Packaged in a cardboard box
Product origin Made in Japan
Production region Morioka - Iwate Prefecture
Compositions Melting


The fūrin (風鈴), or Japanese carillon. This word is composed in Japanese of the ideograms "wind" and "bell". This wind chime is a traditional Japanese decorative item. It is most often made up of a small bell attached to the frame of a window and which rings in the force of the wind.

Traditional forms are usually ceramic. We gladly hang a small piece of paper (tansatsu) on which is written a haiku.

The Japanese chime is usually made of metal, glass or earthenware. Wood, brass or aluminum are sometimes used as basic materials.

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