Japanese non-folding uchiwa fan in paper and bamboo, Fortune pattern, 38 x 24.5 cm

Reference 5-UCH-3186
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Japanese non-folding uchiwa fan in paper and bamboo, Fortune pattern, 38 x 24.5 cm

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Technical sheet​

Width 24,5 cm
Length 38 cm
Color beige
Product origin Made in Japan
Compositions bamboo paper


Japanese non-folding uchiwa fan in paper and bamboo, Fortune pattern, 38 x 24.5 cm

Uchiwa (団 扇) designates a fan of oval, round or square shape, with a fixed handle, so it is not foldable. It has been around for a very long time in Japan.

The uchiwa is a summer accessory but can be found in all situations and all categories. It is not uncommon to receive plastic advertising uchiwa, distributed free of charge in the streets. There are some, simply covered with white paper, to decorate yourself. It even became a collector's accessory

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