japanese black silk kimono yukata orchid for women

Reference 1A-KIF-981BK M56
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japanese black silk kimono yukata orchid for women


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Technical sheet​

Color black
Product origin Made in Japan
Gender female
Size M
Age group adult
Production region Kyoto - Kyoto Prefecture
Compositions Silk


japanese black silk kimono yukata orchid for women
Kyoto (Région: Kinki, Préfecture: Kyoto)
made in Japan
Composition : Silk 100%

your size     kimono length kimono waist
(back+ 2 sides)
shoulder width sleeve
1,50 ~ 1,70 m 56 " M 142 cm 147 cm 60 cm 33 cm

* for information, the belt is sewn into the sleeve of the kimono

Silk is fragile, some tips for washing your kimono:

- Do not wash the silk with a detergent containing whiteners, nor powder detergent,
prefer a liquid detergent, soap or better your shampoo.
- No too hot temperature with the silk, never boil it, wash it rather in lukewarm water, but never hot.
- Wash your silk kimono without ever rubbing it, but by gently pressing it in soapy water.
- If the silk is very dirty add a few drops of ammonia to the soapy water
- Do not soak the silk for more than 5 minutes in soapy water
- Rinse the silk in cold water with a few drops of white vinegar to get rid of the detergent residue
- Do not twist the silk, especially do not wring.
- Sponge the garment quickly between 2 terry towels, then lay it flat on a dry towel.
- Do not dry a silk garment in the sun or on a radiator
To remove a stain on the silk, do not rub the stains by pressing too heavily on the fabric. Gently dab them.
If you store the silk kimono somewhere for a long time, be sure to protect it from moths.
For ironing, iron the garment inside out, damp, at a gentle temperature and if possible, with a damp cloth.

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